Ticket priority is a valuable feature for users, as it ensures that their critical issues receive the attention they deserve. It leads to faster issue resolution, improved communication, and an overall better experience when interacting with the support team.
Priority indicates how urgent a case or ticket is, allowing you to determine its level of importance. Agents can then use these priority levels to organize their workload effectively. Assigning a priority to each ticket simplifies the process, making it easy for clients to understand which tickets are of low, high or emergency importance. For example, levels like “High,” “Low,” “Normal” or “Emergency” guide agents on which tickets require immediate attention. Priorities and service level agreements (SLAs) are linked to help you manage your tickets more efficiently.
You have the flexibility of defining the labels for various priority levels according to your preference, such as creating them as “Emergency” or “Normal.” You can also specify different colours for these different priority levels, such as using the colour orange to represent “emergency.” You can set the visibility of priorities, choosing whether they should be public or private.