Choose from server installation or support or customization services.
Choose from server installation or support or customization services.
Our technicians take care of the security, the upgrades and – as far as possible – the stability of the server system. Furthermore you can make use of our extended customer support whenever you need it. With the Managed Server, it is up to you: After ordering this upgrade, you simply inform us about the technical tasks you would like us to perform, the ones that need to be done once and the ones to be carried out monthly. Our team of expert technicians will then implement your requirements. The price of this upgrade includes seven full hours of technical support per month. Should one of your tasks take longer, we will contact you immediately. Then you can decide if it should be billed separately or its scope should be limited, for example.
Please find below a list of sample server management tasks you can assign to our technicians upon ordering this upgrade:
All common Linux Operating systems are supported.
Ready to discuss your requirements?